

The Limrik welcomes submission of original articles, short stories, drawings and photographs by, for and about the people of Antrim. Material that has already been published elsewhere is not, generally, acceptable.

Submission deadlines are February 10 for the March issue, May 10 for the June issue, August 10 for the September issue and November 10 for the December issue.

Articles or stories should be no more than 1500 words in length. Please do not spend time and effort on ‘fancy’ formatting. We will format text to conform to The Limrik’s style.

Text must be submitted in digital form. Microsoft Word documents attached to an email are preferred. One can also simply put your text in the body of an email. Links to cloud-based documents are not acceptable nor are pdf files.

The Managing Editor reserves the right to make all decisions concerning publication of material.

If you would like to discuss an idea, please contact the Managing Editor, Joan Gorga (, 588-2569).

Photos (and Other Artwork)

The Limrik encourages submission of photos or other artwork to accompany any and all articles it publishes. We will endeavor to use submitted photos etc. whenever possible. However, we cannot guarantee that every item submitted will be used.

Please submit color jpeg files that are a minimum of 1700 pixels on the long side. The larger the file better. We can always downsize the files. Conversely, up-sizing is often problematic.

Please note that photos copied (saved) from social media sites (e.g. Facebook and similar sites) are generally not usable by The Limrik.

Copyright Considerations

All work submitted to the Limrik must be the original creation of the person submitting it. One may use small amounts of text from other sources with proper and full citation of the original.

The submitter of any artwork (e.g. photographs, drawings, etc.) must be the maker of said artwork or have written permission from its maker. Material copied from the worldwide web (or other sources) is generally not usable because of copyright issues. The editor reserves the right to require evidence of written permission to use material that is not created by the individual submitting it.