
Advertising copy is due on the 10th of the month prior to the publication of each issue (i.e. the 10th of February, May, August and November).

Ad content is subject to approval by the Managing Editor and the Business Manager.

Ad Type Rate Size
Half-page (back cover) not currently available ($85 / issue) 5″ H x  7 1/2″ W
(1,500 x 2,250 pixels)
Half-page (interior) $75 / issue 5″ H x  7 1/2″ W
(1,500 x 2,250 pixels)
Quarter-page $50 / issue 5″ H x 3 5/8″ W
(1,500 x 1,088 pixels)
Business Card $35 / issue or
$125 for 4 issues
2 3/16″ H x 3 5/8″ W
(656 x 1,088 pixels)

For more information and details on copy requirements, please contact Business Manager, Frank Gorga (588-2569 or